For those who love to go camping. some of the best times ever is when you get to sit around a roaring campfire with others who love being in the great outdoors. If you are among those who have experienced the simple joy of putting a marshmallow on a stick. holding the marshmallow over open flames and watching it turn a toasty brown. this candle is for you. Our candle evokes memories of eating this gooey treat. savoring every bit of its toasted sugary goodness.
Bringing this much-loved experience to life in a fragrance requires creativity. and we love making you happy campers with this fragrant blend. Prominent notes of warm vanilla bean and spun sugar swirl through the air. filled out by notes of fluffy marshmallows. warm campfire and toasted vanilla cr??me. If this blend sounds good enough to eat – we’ve done exactly what we hoped to. Bring this tasty candle home and give it a place among your favorite fall treat candles.
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