Weeping Willow trees have a unique presence in nature. As soon as you gaze upon it. you instantly know how it got its name. Its cascading leaves gush downwards like a living. green waterfall. and that has been interpreted as mimicking weeping by various cultures. Its branches are strong and flexible. often bending in the wind. The tree plays a starring role in many a folktale. and its enchanted good looks have inspired countless creative people to include it in books. magazines. films and videos.
We too have been inspired by this beautiful tree. and its scent is similar to minty wintergreen. which gives this candle’s aroma a blast of spring freshness!
In addition to willow trees. this springtime blend includes prominent notes of sweet melon. soft moss and blooms. It’s what you might smell while taking a relaxing stroll through a park dotted with statuesque willow trees. Close your eyes and imagine sitting in the shade of its draping leaves reading a novel or dreaming wistfully about the future.
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